Sunday, January 4, 2009

Winter Break

Oh dear... so much to say! I'll start with the beginning of Winter Break. My dad arrived in Beijing on the 18th of December. On the 19th was the annual SYA Christmas dinner to kick off winter break. It was very enjoyable, but unfortunately, all the I have no pictures because they are all on my dad's camera. The first Monday of break, my dad and I flew down to Shanghai for a little vacation. Shanghai is much larger than Beijing, and is modernizing extremely rapidly. From the airport to our hotel near the Bund, 95% of the cab ride was on a raised highway that twisted through a mess of skyscrapers and old apartment buildings. I thought Beijing was sprawling, but it is nothing compared to Shanghai. Our hotel room overlooked the Yu Gardens, Huangpu river, and Pudong district (across the Huangpu from our hotel). At night, Shanghai was a blaze of neon lights. One entire side of a citibank skyscraper lit up into an enormous advertisement. The Bund (the Lakeshore Drive of Shanghai) was under huge construction, presumably in preparation for the 2010 World Expo, which will be held in Shanghai. We went up into the Pearl tower, which is roughly the height of the Empire State Building and looks kind of like a needle sticking out of the ground with glass circular rooms for people to look out of. Its appearance is hard to describe, so I'll just include a picture. I found Shanghai slightly dirty than Beijing in places, but it definitely has a more energetic feeling to it. I guess I would also describe as a little bit more Western. A couple downsides about Shanghai were that most taxi drivers were rude, and the traffic was pretty atrocious. Other than that, though, I found Shanghai to be very enjoyable and am glad I was able to visit a new place for Christmas. I will post about my adventures with my mom in a couple of days. 

The pictures are of my dad and I at dinner with my host mom and sister, my dad eating with chopsticks (which is a rare occurrence since he can't use them to save his life), the daytime view from our hotel room (overlooking part of "Old Shanghai", the Huangpu river, and the new Pudong district) a view of the Pearl tower from the ground, and the glowing Pudong District at night (view from across the river). And for some reason they loaded in the opposite order of how I stated them, so looking at them from bottom to top would be a wise idea:)


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Hi Elle,

I just showed my husband Joe's picture, and then I went into facebook to show him Mara's, but I can no longer find you on facebook. It's not that you're no longer listed amongst my friends, you're not in the general "population" of facebook. Was that intentional?

Anyway, thought you should know. Now get some pictures of Mom on your blog.

Love to you far away. They referenced a book today in church, "Jesus in Bejing," and I'm thinking I might have to find it to read...

Miss Stewart aka another Ellie in your mom's life

Mama said...

Hi Ellen,

I'm going to answer for Elle as this was her first day back at school and I know she is not only pumping there but for her upcoming SAT also.

She told me she got rid of her facebook because it tends to be too much of a time sucker. She would always be curious to see what was up with her friends and who'd written on her wall or someone else's, etc. So I give her credit for knowing where to focus her energy. She removed the distraction/temptation to spend so much time on facebook.

She takes gu zheng lessons and needs to practice for that regularly and just joined the gym to try to lose some of what she's gained while eating her dad's good cooking over there. So those extras coupled with regular school work add up to a full load.

I'm trying to get my jet lag under control. I'm exhausted from 6:30 p.m. on but by the time I get to bed, I can't fall asleep. I've even tried Benadryl to knock me out, to no avail. Since today was my first day back, I'm hoping waking up at 6:30 a.m. instead of 2:45 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. like I did this weekend will get me squared around : )

I just mailed her my disc of photos from my visit just today and am hoping she got her camera cord from her friend Kara so she could also download her photos. I definitely need to improve my photography skills. I got quite a few that are blurry or just not right. Thankfully, I got some fun ones too.

It was definitely an amazing experience for me. It isn't true at all that most people speak a little English. I'd say a very few Chinese people speak a miniscule amount of English - if that! And even when they do speak English, I had to have Elle translate English to English. I wonder if Elle would agree with me on that : )

The food was phenomenally yummy and since Elle has been there for several months now, she knows the restaurants where we could feast and not get ill - a great perk!

Super cool to meet her family, see her school, take in her favorite tea house, walk as much of the Great Wall as I was capable of doing, hitting up the art district, and meeting a couple of her friends and also the mom of one of them and sharing meals with everyone. We walked, walked, walked and I lost 3 pounds, so that was another perk!

Ming said...

ELLE! You got rid of facebook!? Well, at least you know what to prioritize...but now this will become our only form of communication!

Anyways, those Shanghai highways are crazy! The taxi drivers are probably rude because of all of the jams and time they spend circling over and over the same locations in the maze of those high roads that seem to be like a scene from the Jetsons' and what not.

Nice to hear that you had a good Christmas and all, hopefully we can talk again soon, good luck on your SATs!!!! 加油 and...Fighting!!!