Saturday, September 13, 2008


Yesterday I went to... The Zoo! It cost 8 kuai to get in, which is just over one dollar. Then it cost another 5 kuai to see the pandas, which is less than 75 cents. The zoo was very clean and pretty inside. Something interesting I noticed is that the children I saw who were visiting the zoo are the only Chinese children I have ever seen misbehaving. Many conclusions could be drawn from that, but I just thought I'd mention it. Anyway, The first Giant Panda I saw was doing the honorable act of eating bamboo. The next one was sleeping. Haha. I love them! And unfortunately, my idiot self forgot my camera, but I'm going to try to get the pictures off my sister's camera onto my computer. One thing I noticed that I have never noticed before Is that pandas have a little tail. its more like a stub, actually, but it's cute. There was a museum thing in the panda area too, and my sister translated a little for me and said that the pandas have faced major problems since the earthquake. One died, and many others had to be relocated and then ceased to eat. Sad face. On a happy note, I got a new stuffed animal panda. His name in "Qiu Qiu", which is pronounced "Chyoh Chyoh". It means ball :). You can see why in the picture. We also saw the bears, and written in very large letters ALL OVER the bear mountain area, it says "do not feed". So what are the people doing? Feeding them, of course. The bears love it, and they are very adept at catching food in their mouths. After the zoo, we went to my maternal grandmother's house, which we do every night of the weekend. And every night I almost fall asleep watching one horrible Chinese soap opera or another in my grandma's bedroom, which is the family hang out area. Today is the mid-autumn moon festival, and as far as I know, the celebratory part of the holiday is giving each other these little things called mooncakes. They are nothing like western cakes, and honestly, most of them taste like crap. The ones with bean paste do, at least. There is one called "Yellow Oil" and that one tastes like peanut butter, so I like it. I'm going to go do homework now. I'll write more when something interesting happens. The Other picture I'm posting is a picture of My family at dinner 2 nights ago. It's my mom on the far left, my grandma and grandpa, my mom's niece and nephew (they are in their 30's), my sister, and my mom's niece and nephew's daughter (she's 14 and the shiest girl I have ever met).




Mama said...

Hey, this reminds me, did your family like their panda sculpture that papa made? How about the chocolate? I was hoping it wouldn't be routine to them to have a panda item. Did you share the pics with your family that I attached to an email of you unwrapping your panda on your birthday? I know, I'm full of questions.

How fun that you'll have a panda from China now to join your panda collection. I'm thinking we'll have to make a high shelf around your room to house your expanding panda family : )

The only time I've seen a panda was in Tampa, FL in 1988 when outlaw Blaine was painting the background for the exhibition cage for a panda that was on loan from China and traveling around the U.S. It was a big deal at the time. They were at Busch Gardens in Tampa. I remember it was eating too! I wonder if I have any buried pictures in the basement of that. Let's not think about our basement and trying to find something, huh?!

Ming said...

wait you fell asleep while watching a soap opera? tsk tsk Elle, I thought you had an open mind to nonsensical romances...especially with all of those boys chasing after you apparently.

i'm so jealous of those panda occurrences too, make sure you bring one back for us here in DSM.

Mama said...

I bet this seems funny, but since I knew I wouldn't be SKYPE-ing with you this week, I went back and looked at all your blog pics and read several of the entries and comments again : ) I like seeing your new, round panda sitting on your bed. He/she looks so cheery in all his/her roundness!

Tomorrow night I'm going to Roosevelt to see the performance of Jesus Christ Super Star! I sang that entire musical with my high school chorus - so it will be a serious deja vu moment for me. I'll try to refrain from bursting forth in song. I don't want to embarrass you long distance - or myself for that matter.

It was a super busy week at work and I have another one coming up. I'm planning an annual conference for criminal defense lawyers and it is a big deal. I'll go in the weekend to put in extra hours and did the same thing this week during an evening.

I'm thinking I need to find the video of "Big Bird in China." Do any of your classmates know that video from when they were little?

Love you,

Grammar said...

Hi Elle! Long time no write...sorry about that. I'm computer challenged, don't you know? This is a test so it will be short. I've tried to write before but never got accepted. Have no idea why. Here goes...I'm smiling Grammar