Sunday, September 14, 2008


I was able to plug my sister's camera into my computer, so here are pics from the Zoo and the torch at the olympics!


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Too funny, when I got to your blog to look at this post, my husband called out to me, "What are you doing Eleanor?" Of course, this is not my name, but I was able to say, "Looking at Eleanor's blog!"

He knows you're Ellen, but isn't familiar with the formal...

Cool pics!

Mama said...

Wow! I really like seeing those pandas! I didn't realize they'd have 3 of them in the cage together because I thought they were really solitary in the wild; so I assumed they'd want to be by themselves. Maybe I'm not remembering that characteristic correctly.

I mistakenly typed in bigbirdinchina without the blogspot part and got a long list of postings referring to the video/DVD for the movie you used to watch long ago. Do we still have that movie? Maybe we need to get a new DVD of it : )

Mitch said that Dai told him someone he knew went to China and met the little girl from the movie that talked to Big Bird and had the star role. She mentioned to this person that she'd done a Sesame Street movie when she was little - amazing, huh?! But she wasn't a little girl any longer and this other person met her in a bar - ha! Mitch said she was in her 20s. I don't know if this was recently or not.

I sent my Visa application and necessary other paperwork off to the gal that got yours for you, so I will anxiously await its return.

You have seen so much in a short time! Are you concerned that you'll fill up your camera chip with photos? Or can you download them on your computer so you can keep taking more throughout the year?

I'll email you tomorrow as soon as we know that Grandpaw is through his surgery. It will be a long, full day for him. They told Grammar that in addition to the surgery taking 3 - 5 hours, he'd be in the recovery room for at least an hour and then once they moved him to his cardiac intensive care room, they wanted to have an hour alone getting him settled in before they'd let her or Michelle come in.

Well, I need to pack for our trip up there, so will get to it before I get too tired.

I got Grandma Sullivan's poem mailed off last Thursday, so she should have it by now. I know she'll be thrilled with it!

Love you!