Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today I went to the Great Wall with my classmates. The part of the Wall that we went to was 2 hours away from Beijing, and for most of the drive we were surrounded my mountains and fields. Even from the bus, there were some great views. The hike itself was one of the most physically exerting things I have EVER done. For the first hour, I was in misery. I'm guessing we climbed over a thousand steps in that one hour. Endorphins must have kicked in though, because for the rest of the hike I felt great. We were all sweating like pigs and looked like death warmed over, but I couldn't have cared less. I cannot even begin to describe how incredible the Wall and the views from it are. Neither words nor pictures do it any justice whatsoever. It is absolutely surreal, and every person reading this should climb it before they die. That having been said, here are a few pictures. 

The first picture is the view from the ground. Just to get up to the wall was a 20-30 minute uphill hike. The second picture is of two of my good friends Marianne and Ian. The third picture is of the three of us. The fourth one is of a cool view from the Wall, and the fifth is a picture of what we hiked. However, the first quarter-ish of a mile (entirely uphill) is not shown in the picture. 


Ellen aka Ellie said...


Mama said...

I really like the thought that you did this on my birthday : ) Super cool! Indeed, I'm not at all sure I could hike it, but maybe I'd like to think I could do it at a much slower pace than you-all did! Fun to see your friends too!

I remember wishing when I was a little girl that I could take off my shirt like the boys did when I was hot as all get out. I'm assuming that it is okay to take your shirt off if you're a boy since Ian did, although it sort of surprised me that it was okay even for the boys, as I imagine it to be a much more conservative country than the U.S.

I'm glad to learn that you have tons more pictures downloaded on your computer so I can see them when you get home or when I come to visit!

I decided to take a personal day and stay with Grandma & Grandpa one more day. He got to come home from the hospital today -hurray - and I rearranged some furniture so he could have his comfy chair in a handier location. He is tickled to be home!

booknerd87 said...

Elle my dear,

I'm sorry this is my first time commenting on your blog. School has been a bit stressful for me as well, but at least I am not having to deal with culture shock. Yikes! You are a brave girl!

I am glad you are getting some "China experiences" and not just doing school work. I know you.

I miss you so much. Your card was wonderful though! It appeases my soul(at least for the time being).

With love,

Unknown said...

Hi Elle!

it looks like you are having an amazing time. i know that living in a new place can be stressful, but you'll get into a groove before you know it ;) you def are a lot braver than i would be to live in another country for a year. think of all the incredibly awesome stories you'll have to tell! can't wait to see some more of your adventures...

here's some lolcats--

peace--nicole p