Saturday, September 6, 2008


I have so much I could talk about, but I'll keep this brief. The Flight was long and extremely boring. We got off the plane, and immediately a airport employee's phone rang. The ringtone?Sexy Back (Note to my mom: that's a song by Justin Timberlake). Then we went through Chinese customs and went down to get our luggage. We loaded it on the bus and went to BNU #2, which we call "er fu zhong". We had a short orientation, and while Mr. Bissell was talking, I noticed that my new black jacket was gone. I can live without the jacket, but in the pocket of that jacket was my passport and luggage locks. I almost had cardiac arrest. The teachers called the airport and asked if they had seen it, to no avail. So I called my trusty father (it was 3:44 AM in SF, where he was), and told him to tell my mom to fax a copy of the photo of my passport to China. Mr. Bissell said not to worry, and to just go home and enjoy the night. Then I went out to dinner with my family. I have a 22 year old sister who speaks very good English. The whole dinner, my family either yelling at the waiter, or talking to each other, in Chinese of course. I just sat there and enjoyed the food. We came home and I met the cat and got settled into my room. Their apartment has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. It is very nice by Chinese (and American) Standards. I have a balcony off my room, and we can see the fireworks in celebration of the paralympic games from the living room window. We are going to see the games next thursday. Woot! Anyway, This morning a girl came up to me and told her she found my jacket in her backpack. Why was it there? No idea. But I am happy it turned up. I'll write more later, but I have to go to bed before I collapse. 



Joe Sullivan said...

Good news about the jacket, Elle -- and was the passport in the pocket? What did you have for dinner at the restaurant? Looking forward to photos, esp. you in the new uniform with your bicycle. Give our regards and thanks to your host family, and tell us about them when you have a moment. --Dad

Mama said...

Wow! Obviously I knew about the lost passport/visa, but I didn't know about the great resolution! Check with Mr. Bissell or someone right away, because he and Sara had begun working on your new papers immediately, and your original one might be null and void at this point. I'm just not sure how it will shake out.

Mitch & I went to the Farmer's Market this a.m. and the Art Stop deal is going on today also, so I think I'll take in a little of that. Schotts (sp?) are having a garage sale, so I thought it would be fun to see what they're getting rid of.

Mitch is going to mow your dad's lawn, have his massage, and hang out with Brandon tonight.

I also have some clothes to take to St. Vincent de Paul and will peruse their wares. Tonight I think I'll watch a movie that I bought quite a while back and then never watched. Of course the yard needs attention, so I'll get my cross training : )

Did the subject of you being a vegetarian come up at your first supper together? That was terrifically sweet of them to take you out first thing!

Wow! A balcony! You are living the high life! I'm glad your sister can speak English but am hoping you'll speak Chinese more and more. I started reading the Lonely Planet Beijing book this a.m. that I bought and am finding it very fascinating! I will start to highlight in it shortly so I'm at least a little prepared when I arrive I'm more concerned about my lack of knowledge in the speaking realm though.

Have a great weekend and first day of school!

I'm wondering what happened to my first two posts to you since I don't see them any longer. On Miss Stewart's site, you can go back and see all the old stuff too - you were the one to show me that : )

I have my phone on loud 24/7 now, so I won't miss any other calls. I also added international service to my phone for $4.00/mo. So I can at least call you back if there is another mishap!

Hugs and love,

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Oh my gosh! My husband said you should have banged the girl on the head! Just kidding, sort of. I'm, we're, so glad you found your stuff!

Sounds like your host family is from NYC...yelling through dinner! Could you pick any words out?

I'll bet your sister is delighted to sharpen her English by having you there.

Can't wait to see photos.

"Miss Stewart"

Anonymous said...

ELLE!!! I miss you so much dear! It totally made my day when I logged on and saw you had blogged! I think you're going to have a great time my dear! Did I mention that I MISS YOU?

love ya,

Michelle said...

Way to go Elle!
I've told all my coworkers about your amazing adventure! And how I thought you were extremely brave and confident.I look forward to reading about your experiences the next 9 months.
Aunt Michelle

Blake said...

I'm envious..

I want to know about the food!

Keep us posted on the best & worst things you eat during your stay.


Grammar said...

Hi El! What a great way to communicate! At 76 I'm still learning new ways of doing things! Hooray! Thought about you at the Renaissance Festival today as Grandpaw and I watched people doing acrobatics on the trampoline while attached to the bungee chords. Remember when you and Greta jumped? Grandpa's Mustang was loaded on a trailer Monday night so it should be in Montana by now. We'll send photos of the completed exhibit when we get them. Be a good ambassador of good will. Hugs & Smiles, Grammar

Mama said...

I'm so excited that you'll get to go to the Paralympics! There is a picture of a woman veteran from Iraq competing in the swimming at the National Aquatics Center in the Saturday Des Moines Register. Talk about fortitude! She is standing next to her coach. What an inspiration! I wonder what event/events you'll get to see : ) I'm saving all articles about China or the Olympics/Paralympics, so you'll have quite a collection when you get back!

Grammar said...

What does WOOT mean??? Grammar needs to know. I'm tempted to do a "Word of the Day" with you but don't want to monopolize your time. You'll have enough Chinese words to learn and that's much more important. I'd LOVE to be bilingual. Doing that at a young age is definitely the right way to do it. Give our greetings and thanks to your new family. - Grammar AKA Shorttoad and many other aliases. Smiling in Minnesota...

Aunt Amy said...

Hi Elle,

Greetings from Springfield, MO.
Looks like you are having a great time. The apartment looks very nice.

I, like your dad, would love to know more about your host family.

Your dinner sounds yummy. Do you have any problems being vegetarian there?


Grammar said...

9/9/08 Was an Election Judge half a day today (6 AM - 2 PM)and amazed at the low turnout in Primary. The General Election Nov. 4th will be a different story. Hopefully the Republicans will become "past history" but time will tell. Better refrain from talking politics. You know where I proudly stand. Grandpa's Mitral Valve surgery is scheduled for Wed.,9/17/08...early in the A.M. His angiogram turned out excellent arterial blockage. Work hard, study hard, have fun. Enjoy the day. Grammar

Grammar said...

Low-key days here waiting for the "big event" next Wednesday.We've been told Grandpaw can expect to stay in the hospital 4 or 5 days not counting the day of surgery. He is still taking his daily walk which is good. Your Mom and Mitch will be with us on her birthday. Is your family in China interested in the U.S.Election on Nov. 4? Give our best wishes to your new family. What a wonderful experience you are having! Enjoy!
Hugs and Smiles, Grammar