Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Goldfish People!

I am happily munching on my last few (entirely stale yet still delicious) goldfish right now, and thought it would be an appropriate time to write a little blog entry. My heart is cringing a little, knowing that I will not eat any more of these little guys for 7 and a half months. Sad Face. My diet has been rather bland lately, since I am vegetarian AND cannot eat any dairy products due to the whole "Chinese milk is poisoned with Melamine" thing going on right now. I have to say, reading about a Chinese milk crisis and actually having to deal with one are totally different things. I miss yogurt and cheese like crazy. Actually, I miss all American food like crazy. Chinese food is fabulous, but I would kill for a peanut butter and jelly right now. I ate at McDonald's for the first time here last week, and my mouth was in heaven. I feel guilty, but those fries were heavenly. Anyway, I'm going to stop talking about food and go eat dinner. If anyone wants to sent non-perishable food items, just ask for my address! haha. 

Until the next time I get a random desire to blog,


1 comment:

Mama said...

Speaking of Goldfish, you need to start thinking about what I might really bring in the food or other realm for you and your family when I visit. I'm impressed that you'll eat stale Goldfish. I'm amazed that the girl who was totally repulsed by McDonald's after watching "Super Size Me" now is able to eat their fries. All things change and we with time, someone famous once said - I can't remember just who it was that said that.

At some point after you've been there a bit longer, maybe you can find a store that sells peanut butter and jelly. I remember J. Vaitheswaran saying her hubby lived on it for the 2 weeks he was in China, so it has to be there somewhere. Although I bet your family would be repulsed by it - ha!

Good to see you blogging again! Grammar wrote a big comment to you a few days ago and then couldn't get it to send, so was super bummed. I told her when I went up next I'd try to figure out what's going on that makes it goofy for her to work the system!

Did I tell you I start meeting with Suwen next Tuesday? I'm excited and think I'll take your books to see if she thinks they will help me too. I don't know why they wouldn't but am also thinking I'll be fortunate if I can get about 24 sentences under my belt : )

I used to dream about pizza if I didn't eat it every so often, because I really loved it when I was younger. Then it was one of the foods that the smell of it made me feel sick when I was pregnant with Mitch, so I never crave it anymore. Maybe you'll start having food dreams about your favorites : )