Saturday, January 24, 2009

Madre In China

This post will have to be short because today is the one of the most important days in China- Chinese New Year's Eve. I won't be sleeping for the next 25 hours or so because of all the festivities. Anyway, I just wanted to put up a few pictures from when my mom came to China. We stayed in Beijing and I took her to the Forbidden City, the Zoo (to see pandas of course), the Great Wall, etc. On New Year's Eve we went to a modern area of Beijing called Sanlitun to eat and get our nails done. The Chinese don't make a very big deal out of New Year's Eve but at midnight they had a countdown and confetti:) Twas a jolly time, and I had a hard time not getting on the plane with her and flying back to America when she had to go. Haha. 

In 5 days I will be leaving for Yunnan province (in the southernmost part of China, bordering Vietnam and Myanmar) where I will be for a three week Winterim trip, so no internet or blog posting. I will be sure to blog about it when I get back. 

The first picture is of my dad at Tiananmen Square- I forgot to include it in the last blog and thought it was mildy humorous. The rest are of my mom's visit. 


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Finally! I know you're busy, so thanks for posting these photos of Mara, and the hilarious one of your dad who looks more Russian than Chinese!

She said it was so hard to leave you at the airport...

I know you might groan when I say this, but when I show these pics to my husband, he'll say, "Wow, they look so much alike!"

Ming said...

I've been waiting a while for a post from you Elle, I hope your studies are going well. It's nice you had a great time during new years, haha, and your dad looks like the reincarnation of General Mao! Also you look a lot like your mom too! And of course Pandas are the reason why you go to the zoos in China!

Have fun in Yunnan, hopefully you can be back on Facebook when you get back from that three week adventure, we MUST catch up, and I miss talking to you during lectures...I've actually been paying attention to the professors now!

Best of wishes, 新年快乐, and talk to you soon

Mama said...

Hi Cutie!

I'm behind in my studies for my class, but wanted to at least say, thanks for the new pics, and it was absolutely the greatest for me to see you in your new stomping grounds : )

I thought you were much more together than I, when it came time to part. It makes my heart happy to know you feel so at home in China that you'll be happy to stay a second year in Hong Kong. I'm really hoping I get to see you there too! I know Mitch wants to come over on his spring break 2010. As much as I'd like to come then too, I'm thinking I'll want to come for your h.s. graduation over there even more. Of course, if you do the IB and it takes 2 years to get out of h.s. Then I could come at spring break with Mitch and the next year for your graduation.

I've been telling Renata for about 3 years now that I'd come visit her on spring break too, but she certainly understands that I want to see you : )

Enjoy that beautiful southern China countryside! I think you'll see some landscape like no other and hope you get lots of photos of it!

Congrats on getting through this week of testing, papers and the SAT in such fine fashion!

I'm very curious about what-all you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year! It sounds like a lot of feasting for the tummy and eyes. Hope you see some fun parades too!

I bet the change of pace of being on holiday for 3 weeks is a welcome event! Or are you actually on holiday or studying while you travel?