Friday, December 5, 2008

Life for the past two weeks

I apologize profusely for not posting a blog in so long! Last week (on Thanksgiving day) I was hospitalized because apparently something "collapsed" in my throat, making it extremely hard for me to breath. I was wheezing and coughing excessively, and eventually they decided that I had a bad case of laryngitis. The nurses were extremely nice and my hospital room was very hotel-esque, which was impressive. My friends Sam and Ian came to visit me, and for the most part, the whole experience wasn't too terrible. It was actually kind of relaxing. After a day and a half of being on a nebulizer and IV, I was released. I was given a portable nebulizer and continued to use it for a week at home. I was extremely lucky that my Chinese class studied medical words literally a day before I went to the hospital, and was able to use my newly acquired vocabulary when speaking to the doctors. If things got too complicated I just spoke English because every single nurse and doctor spoke English. Anyway, two hours after I was discharged from the hospital, my mom, sister, and I left for a two day spa and golf resort a little ways outside of Beijing. It was extremely relaxing and enjoyable, and although I got practically no homework done, it was worth it. Last week was very busy with catch-up work and tests, and next week we have a speech festival. Every student must prepare a memorized speech of a specified length (which varies from 2 to 4 minutes depending on class) in Chinese, and present it in front of all students, faculty, and host parents. It will quite possibly be the most nerve racking experience of my life. My topic is Chinoiserie, or in Chinese, 中国艺术风格 (zhong guo yi shu feng ge, literally "Chinese art style". 

The pictures I have included are of my sister and me in a salt bed at the spa resort, me in the lobby, us in a little kid's play thing in one of my sister's co-workers rooms house, and a sign I saw in rural fujian on our trip a few weeks ago. The sign reads "loving and taking care of girls starts with me". It is the government's attempt to make rural families appreciate and love girls as much as boys. 

I'll write more when I have time- hopefully this week.


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Wow, you're having quite the adventure, hospitals and posh spas.

Glad you let yourself relax for a while. School is important, but the experience goes much beyond that.

Thanks for sharing!

Mama said...

Well, don't you just love that sign from your trip about the girls?! I seriously think that if everyone coming out of the hospital went directly into a spa, people might recover more thoroughly and quickly! I realize not everyone could enjoy the amenities of a spa, depending on why they were in the hospital, but it sure seems like it was perfect timing for you, i.e. a grace of God moment! I seriously think getting more sleep and relaxing are two of the most beneficial things for the human body. Right up there with eating healthy and getting some exercise : )

I'm tickled there wasn't anything lost in translation regarding your "spa" weekend.

I'm getting anxious to hear you play your guzhong. I can't remember how you spell it, obviously.

Speaking of resting and relaxing, I have one card to write and want to to soak in a hot bath with sea salt, the closest I can come to your salt experience, and hit the hay early to fight off this cold that is trying to get ahold of me, so I'll be sending magnificent, supreme thoughts for a glorious speech experience while I soak and every day until the big event has passed. I know you'll do yourself proud and only wish I could be there too : ) I'll be there soon though and am getting very excited!! Three continents in one year is definitely a record for me!

Beezu said...

Yo yo yo gangsta, lookin mighty fine in that salt bath.

Linda Sue Oleson-King said...

Hi El,
I wrote a lovely note that I have seemed to lose! I will sum up...I loved hearing about your adventures, and my favorite was you getting a taxi to the other side of the mountain. Your Mom and I would have loved to take a taxi the last few miles of a Hunger Hike long ago. Blisters were involved!

claire says hello, from India. She would love to call you if there is ever a number that would not cost you if she called in. She is on her way to a wedding right now, for her Guruji's daughter. She had a beautiful sari made for the occasion. I can hardly wait to see the photos.
I am so sorry that you were in the hospital, but it sounded like they treated you well and the spa is what we all need after a hospital visit! Take care of yourself and sleep when you can! I know your Mom can hardly wait to come and see the sights with you! I guess that was a very long sum up! Be well!
Love - Linda (and Wood!)

Linda Sue Oleson-King said...

Okay, I tried twice to send a post! Yikes, my skills must be much worse than I thought! Here is another try, Hi El, We are loving hearing about your adventures! Claire would like to call you if there is a number she could call without costing you lots of money!! Take care, Love - Linda (and Wood) Oh, there it is! Double notes!