Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Post For Ming

This post is dedicated to the one and only Ming Tran, who made my funny little blog his homepage for reasons known but to god. I have been inordinately busy, so have not posted in awhile, and tomorrow we leave for a two week trip to Fujian province in southern China. Mr. Bissell has planned for us to stay in host families in rural Fujian, visit a tea farm, a coke bottling plant, a silk factory, and many more fabulous places that I cannot remember at this late hour of the night. Anyways, Ming, you can expect a wonderful blog in a couple weeks describing my Fujian trip. Until then... toodles.



Mama said...

Something funky is going on with trying to leave comments for you. After being able to do it easily up until now, I had to re-register today in order for it to accept a comment. I'll mention that to Grammar and Aunt Michelle and see if they have renewed luck leaving messages for you!

Hope your big trip is super!

XO Mama

Dave said...

Hi Elle,

This is David and Grandma, we're sitting at her kitchen table reading through your blog posts. It sounds like you're having a great time. Grandma's refrigerator is still in good shape after your meticulous organizing job - the legend (frige map) is still on the door.

As we read through I'm teaching Grandma the nuances of navigating the Web and using a web browser. Soon she'll be posting comments on your blog herself.

Anyways, we really enjoyed checking in and seeing what you're doing. We'll check in soon so be sure to post more comments and pictures.

David and Grandma