Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Train

On Friday, I returned from a two week trip to Fujian and Jiangsu provinces. I have decided to describe the trip in segments, as to not make just a single, ridiculously long blog post. So... the first topic will be the train. Our first train ride was a little over 32 hours, from Beijing to Xiamen (The capital of Fujian province). The train itself was relatively clean and comfortable. Sleeper trains like ours are organized into compartments, each compartment housing six beds (2 sets of 3 story bunk buds). It is a wee bit difficult to describe, which is why I have included pictures. Next to the bed compartments is a narrow aisle, and on the other side of the aisle are very tiny fold down seats and tray tables. Lights are turned of at 10:00 p.m. sharp, and on the first train ride, I swear I slept no more than 2 hours. I woke up 1:11 a.m. and couldn't fall back asleep to save my life, so I simply listen to my iPod until about 4:30, when I dazed off for about a half an hour. At about 5, I woke up again and just closed my eyes and tried to rest. Besides the lack of sleep, however, the train ride was quite pleasurable - 54 American teenagers all stuffedon one train car for a day and a half can be quite entertaining. I laughed until I cried with my friends, played cards, listened to my iPod with people, talked, ate train food (not the best cuisine, but passable) and took frequent naps. By the end of the ride, however, the air in the train had grown stuffy and smelly, and I was overjoyed to finally be able to take a shower once we got off. Xiamen was filled with bright lights, and had a modern feel to it at night. But I'll have to save the rest for another blog:)

The First picture is looking down the aisle from the top bunk. The guy is my friend Nick, who also aspires to become an anesthesiologist. Woot! The second picture is of my AWESOME teacher Shen Laoshi, who told me to delete the photo as soon as he saw It. But I told him I couldn't delete it, because I had to show it to my parents in America. Haha. He was horrified. The third picture kind of shows how the train was arranged. The kid semi-looking at the camera's name is Sam. He's a cool kid. The last picture is of a whole bunch of us crammed into one bed compartment. Good times. 

I'll write more tomorrow. 


4 comments: said...


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Hi Elle!

It's good to know your teacher has a sense of humor.

Enjoyed the description of the train ride, and yes, the photos helped a great deal!

Keep it coming!

Grammar said...

Hey're having one unique experience after the other. Wish I were 50 years younger and living over there with you. How about that for fantasizing? Wish I could read the Chinese symbols from my next life, huh? Thanks for helping us to live vicariously through your adventures.


Mama said...

Hi Elle!
I've always wanted to go on a long train ride across Canada, starting at the east coast and traveling to the west coast or some smaller version of that thought : ) For some reason it always seemed like it would be a terrifically romantic thing to do. I envision it being wonderfully relaxing too, because there is only so much you can do when confined in travel. But I think reading, gazing out the window, napping, and having lots of time for conversation or writing would be fantastic. I also think it would be nice to get off and visit cities and then get back on and head to the next destination.

I do remember really liking the one time I took the train to Minneapolis from a northern suburb of Chicago with you and Mitch when you were big enough to be on the go but still pretty little. Your dad took us to the station and picked us up when we returned. I'm thinking you were about 1 and Mitch was 2. We could get up and walk around, eat, and I brought a ton of books, puzzles, all kinds of manipulative toys to keep you occupied and happy. It was much more fun that making that drive and you being unhappily strapped in your car seat! When we got to Minneapolis, it was very late at night and I had your double stroller and all our bags and you two to get off the train. I just barely made it before the train took off again, and that kind of freaked me out because it seemed like no one in control of driving the train even noticed that I was trying to wrestle everything and two sleeping little ones off the train. But we made it, and that's what counts. Grandma and Grandpa were there to help me with all our bags and little people as soon as we were on solid ground : )

Maybe we should try a train trip somewhere in the U.S. or Canada once you're back, if you're not on overload for that type of travel by the time you get back!

Thanks for the update! What an adventure!