Monday, July 28, 2008

WOOT! I have a blog.


Ellen aka Ellie said...

I will be checking your blog often. And I'll be praying for you!

Mama said...

Hi Elle! I wasn't sure I could figure out how to write to you this way, because you know I'm technologically impaired. But Miss Stewart has warmed me up to the idea of communicating this way, so I'll try to join the bandwagon. Grandma said her friends wanted to check out your blog too, so if you get messages from people you don't know, they're probably Grandma's friends - hopefully anyway : )

Mama said...

I'm glad you got this passport/visa-less day behind you : ( I faxed your passport copy to the number Mr. Bissell left and Sara Bernstein faxed the copy of your visa. She said it would take about 24 hrs. to get it all replaced. I'm soooo sorry you had to start the trip on that foot; but I'm eternally grateful that you got through customs before the weird loss. I emailed Mr. Bissell too and he seems super friendly. I went to Office Max to do the fax because our fax at work won't do international. Just so you know, I got international calling added to my phone for only $4.00/mo. So at least I can call you if a serious need arises. I'm going to go ahead and cancel your phone number here for the time you're gone because I thought you might get a phone over there if it was reasonable.

I hope you get to rest up over the weekend so you're ready to go on Monday!

Love you!

Ellen aka Ellie said...

I'm so glad I warmed your mom up to blogging! Hurray me!

Okay, how can I possibly take credit for that???

Mama said...

Because you were the first person I knew and cared enough about to try to figure out how to do the blogging thing. I'd heard people at church talk about it and thought, oh, please, if you want to communicate with people, please just talk to them : )